Saturday, May 21, 2022

Seekers of the truth

Courage, unconditional love, and peace be upon you. Modern day Religion holds back the rational mind from seeing the figurative language in all of its writing. No religious book today is free from figurative language and none of it is literal. I struggled with that idea for a decade. I am doing my best to get the word out. Study figurative language and see how the zodiac, drugs, the planets, and the seasons are all intertwined in the religious books of today. There are many youtube videos about such subjects as astrotheology, drugs cults, lunar cults, solar cults, sex cults, and many cults all the way down through history. I also have studied about how there are people out there called sorcerers who want to use power over others to get them to kill themselves and not have any power or knowledge about themselves. Know Thyself. It is important to share information about the sorcerers of our world and become magicians and use magic for good, and not evil. Learn as many languages as possible. Invest in your mind. Be not afraid of those who would use your fears against you to kill your spirit of seeking the truth. Unconditional love and truth always for everyone, peace. 

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