Friday, May 13, 2022

Power from within and withheld by priests.

 I, Black Coyote, have been studying the roman constantinian religion ever since I was born in October 1987. I was born a catholic who did not read the bible but had it read to me in catechism by a priest and then I was converted to literalist fundamental evangelicalism at the age of sixteen at a Luis Palau(now deceased pastor) concert. In Catholic catechism I questioned a few times the priest about the bible and almost pondered atheism with a friend, but all hope in that area was quickly squandered by stern scolding. 

Literalism is an illness. If you want the truth, you must learn about the metaphorical, hyperbolic personifications of the characters in the bible and the stars at night, the sun, and the earth along with the beauty of a kundalini awakening and mental health through all forms of love. 

I hold a key word withheld from a massive population from at least 0A.D. until now in 2022. The key word is: Astrotheology. If you are a seeker of the truth and are frustrated with lies from people you trust, continue on and also share information you have learned with those you know, and then with those you dont know. I personally have a karmic debt to share with people on their journey to self mastery and truth. 

We all have much to learn beyond dogmatic bullshit. I will continue on along with the truth seekers and the ones who are downtrodden in mind and soul. There is hope. Always.

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